Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jack's first birthday

On October 29... Jack turned 1!! It's hard to believe where the year has gone... those sleepless nights and long bouts of crying(his and mine) seem so long ago. Today, my little man is walking, babbling and smiles with a sparkle in his eye. The night before Jack's birthday, Madison and I were busy birthday fairies.. wrapping presents and decorating the house. Mark got home at 2am.. got a few quick hours of sleep and was there to greet Jack when he woke up. Jack got some cool new toys.. including his a ride-on fire truck, his first Tonka truck, some new blocks and books.

The day consisted of taking Madison to preschool and then some alone time with mom and dad as we headed to Dr. Simons new office for Jack's 1 year check -up. Jack is 22.5 pounds but only 30% for height but still holding strong in the 98% for head size!! After getting 4 shots and getting woken up from two naps.... Jack called it a day around 6p just in time for Oma and Opa and Gram and Poppo to arrive for his first birthday dinner.
So Jack went to bed and we opened a nice bottle of Silver Oak and toasted our little man and all the blessings we've been given. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband to share this adventure with.
It was a scene that would seem sad to most and just a few years ago would have been devastating to this type-A mom.... Jack missing his big birthday dinner with his grandparents, his first cupcake, etc but if there's one thing you learn, you have to go with the flow and nothing ever turns out exactly how it was planned... a lesson that become all too real a few days later... see "Hurricane Lemos" post.
But all in all it was a great day... a great birthday and we had a wonderful dinner with Gram and Poppo and Oma and Opa and Madison of course loved all the extra attention and dishing out the cupcakes after dinner!!

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