Monday, March 2, 2009

A weekend in the snow

At the end of February we went with Oma and Opa to Tahoe for the weekend. We had such a great time and kids loved the snow... especially the getting pulled around in a sleigh part. We found a great hill for sledding and after Madison got some fancy pink ski goggles so the snow wouldn't get in her face... she was set to go. Oma and Opa didn't miss any of the action... they were real sports and I promised them I would file these pictures in the "anything for our grandkids" pile.

As some of you may know... my kids are OBSESSED with ice... so as you can imagine snowballs aren't just good for throwing. But let's be clear they are also good for throwing... especially with Opa. There were definitely some "firsts" on this trip... including Jack's first time in the snow Madison's first indoor Smoreand the first Farrell Snowman (complete with a carrot nose, please note)We had such a nice time and hope to get back up there more next year... maybe for some skiing??

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